Summer came to me struggling with confidence issues. Despite being brilliant, she was always second-guessing and doubting herself. That was always the way with smart girls; all those brains and they could never just be content.
Luckily for Summer, while I was a mediocre therapist, I am a talented witch. After identifying the problem, I cast a simple transference spell. Her brain cells were the problem, so taking most of them away meant taking away her doubts; dumb girls never questioned things.
Of course, I was still left with cells that needed a home, and the ex-Valedictorian deserved a confidence boost. A jiggly, fatty boost meant Summer could have jugs the size of her head; something any dumb bimbo could be proud of.
My office had no mirrors, but the happy dummy made do, on her knees in front of my fireplace, cooing over her reflection. Fortunately for me, on her knees was exactly where I needed her for our sessions’ payment.